As word spread on social media about Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Madannna’s engagement, the couple made headlines. The well-known pair is reported to be getting engaged in February. In a recent interview with Lifestyle Asia, Vijay Deverakonda finally discussed his engagement to Rashmika. Despite being sighted together multiple times, they have not yet disclosed their relationship to the world.
Vijay Deverakonda on his Engagement With Rashmika
Rashmika and Vijay Deverakonda are cohabiting, as per a Hindustan Times story. The couple reportedly intended to announce their engagement along with their romance.
Vijay Deverakonda finally spoke up about the rumors of his engagement to Rashmika Mandanna in a recent interview with Lifestyle Asia. “I’m not getting married or engaged in February,” he declared. Every two years, it seems like the media is only interested in getting me married. This is a rumor I hear every year. They are simply waiting to find me and marry me while I’m out and about.
Recent Rumors About Vijay Deverakonda and Rashmika Mandanna’s Engagement
According to a recent article on News 18 Telugu, they suggested there might be more to the couple’s relationship. The couple is reportedly preparing for a big announcement—a supposed engagement scheduled for the forthcoming second week of February if the rumors are to be believed. If accurate, this would be the most wonderful Valentine’s Day present for the devoted fans of these gifted actors. On the other hand, there is no formal word on the matter.
Though there have been many noteworthy on-screen duos in Telugu cinema history, few have attracted as much attention off-screen as Vijay Devarakonda and Rashmika Mandanna. In the hugely popular film Geetha Govindam, they played a charming couple that won over the hearts of viewers and created a buzz at the box office. Their connection was evident there.
Work Upfront
Both Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda acted in the films “Dear Comrade” and “Geetha Govindam.” Both reviewers and viewers expressed great admiration for both flicks. After his last appearance in “Kushi,” Vijay is currently filming “Family Star” and “VD 12,” directed by Gowtam Tinnanuri. Rashmika has a great slate of films, including “Pushpa: The Rule” starring Allu Arjun, “Rainbow,” “The Girlfriend,” and “Chaava.”
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